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갤러리시몬, 김신일 개인전 ‘43200 sec.’ 개최

Gallery Simon
June 13, 2024
Shin il Kim

제21회 우민미술상 수상작가 김지은

Gallery Simon
Ji Eun Kim
November 16, 2023

‘이중섭 미술상’ 윤동천, 9~21일 수상기념전

Gallery Simon
Yoon Dongchun
November 14, 2023

어떤 통제 없이 의식의 흐름대로...'Forgetting is Remembering'

Gallery Simon
Jochen Mühlenbrink, Alex Puz
October 26 - December 23, 2023

‘마인드붐 2023: 입 없는 저 사람 말문 열기 전’Before a Word Spoken

아트라운지 선선
전시: 2023. 10. 19 - 11. 12
관람시간 : 수 - 일요일 11:00 ~ 18:00
Shin Il Kim

<홍재고찰(弘齋考察) : 책·빛·소리>

전시 : 2023년 09월 05일(화) ~ 10월 29일(일)
Airan Kang

<Yellow Memory> 특별전시 개최 및 연계 학술대회 안내

2023. 9. 1(금) ~ 2023. 12. 31(일) (추석 연휴 및 매주 일, 월 휴관)
Changwon Lee

2023 주몬트리올대 《미래 여행: 적응의 시간》《Future Voyage: The Time of Adaptation》

예술과기술 공동체((Society for Arts and Technology·SAT)
Airan Kang
August 15 - August 20, 2023


August 2024

Changwon Lee

Changwon Lee's Solo Exhibition


Changwon Lee's Solo Exhibition

Changwon Lee

August 2024


43200 sec.

Shin il Kim

May 16, 2024 - July 06, 2024

Gallery Simon 30th Anniversary Exhibition

Kim Taiho, Bae Hyung Kyung, Kibong Rhee,
Noh, Sang-Kyoon, Hong Seung-Hye, Sunmyoung Choi, Airan Kang, Joohyun Kim, Ku, Ja-Young, Shin Il Kim, Changwon Lee, Sekyung Lee, Kim Ji Eun, Kyung Woo Han

March 07 - May 02, 2024

Forgetting is Remembering

Jochen Mühlenbrink, Alex Puz

October 26 - December 23, 2023

43200 sec.

Shin il Kim

May 16, 2024 - July 06, 2024

Gallery Simon 30th Anniversary Exhibition

Kim Taiho, Bae Hyung Kyung, Kibong Rhee,
Noh, Sang-Kyoon, Hong Seung-Hye, Sunmyoung Choi, Airan Kang, Joohyun Kim, Ku, Ja-Young, Shin Il Kim, Changwon Lee, Sekyung Lee, Kim Ji Eun, Kyung Woo Han

March 07 - May 02, 2024

Forgetting is Remembering

Jochen Mühlenbrink, Alex Puz

October 26 - December 23, 2023

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